Police confirm abduction of Nasarawa Commissioner for Information, Culture


Nasarawa State Police Command have confirmed the kidnapping of the Nasarawa state Commissioner for Information and Culture, Hon. Yakubu Lawal at his residence in Nasarawa Eggon.

This was contained in a press release signed by the Police Public Relations Officer, Nansel Ramhan, made available to newsmen on Tuesday morning.

“On 15/8/202 at about 2045hrs, the attention of Policemen on routine patrol was drawn to the sound of sporadic gunshots in the Nasarawa Eggon Local Government Area of the state.”

Consequently, he said the Police operatives attached to Nasarawa Eggon Division raced to the scene while the Commissioner of Police, CP Adesina Soyemi immediately reinforced the men with a combined detachment of the Police Mobile Force, the Anti kidnapping unit, Military personnel, Vigilante as well as local hunters.

“Upon arrival at the scene, it was discovered that unknown gunmen while shooting sporadically, invaded the residence of one Hon. Yakubu Lawal Addah, forcefully abducted him to an unknown destination.”

He further said the search and rescue operation is ongoing by the combined team, led by Area Commander, Akwanga Area Command, ACP Halliru Aliyu to rescue the victim unhurt and arrest the perpetrators of the crime.

The Commissioner of Police further called on anyone with useful information that will assist the Command to rescue the victim or arrest of the suspects to reach out to the command via the following numbers: 08035951018, 08033806409, 08037461715 and 08036157659