Rainy season: 10 smart ways to prevent environment from flood damage


Saving the environment from floods during the rainy season involves both preventive measures and mitigation strategies. Here are some steps you can take to help protect your environment from flood damage.

 1. Construction of Dam

A dam is a barrier that stops or restricts the flow of water or underground stream. It’s an effective way of flood control. Dams were originally built especially for flood control in developed countries.

Many large dams have flood control reservation in which the level of a reservoir must be kept below a certain point before the rainy season.

During the rainy season, flood water is allowed to fill the dam restricting them from destroying lives and properties.

Consider the dam as an open tank filled with water. Before the rainy season, the tank is emptied in order to create space for rain water during the raining season; reducing flood in the community.

2. Improve Flood warning system

Flood warning system is a way of detecting threatening events in advance. This warns the public in advance so that actions can be taken to reduce the adverse effect. Properly conveying advance warnings of impending storms and floods will not only give people the opportunity to be proactive in preventing damage to their property, it will save lives.

Warning signs should be indicated in areas prone to flood; preventing interested buyers from falling victim of such area. Its also warns drivers to avoid that route.

3. Construction of River Defence

Do you know that developed countries restrict the flow of river into low lying lands with the use of wall-like structures known as defences.

The same way we fence our house, farmland; we fence rivers also.

Major defences used are: Levees and Dykes

Levees and dykes occur naturally; rocks act as dykes, restricting the flow of water.

Levees and dykes are also manmade structures built solely for the purpose of preventing floods.

They are channeled into outfall drains.

4. Flood Resilience

Flood resilience is the capacity to recover from flood. This is an efficient method compared to river defence.

Buildings and other urban infrastructures should be designed or structured strategically; making it easier it recover from flood. For example, water proofing homes and businesses and moving electrical sockets higher.

Green roofs should be implemented. Here’s what I mean.

It’s the process of building houses with vegetative roofs. Vegetative roofs, contains soil: which absorbs rain water reducing flood.

But, it’s expensive to build and maintain.

5. Create Flood Plains

Flood plains are lands that have the capacity of absorbing large amount of water. It’s diverts water from flooded communities; reducing the flood.

This is a method of conservation as flood plains are used as natural reservoir; where communities can fall back on during drought.

In some countries, wilderness and deserts have been re-engineered to act as flood plains. This should be looked into in Nigeria.

Flood plains also serve as natural habitat for aquatic animals.

6. Preservation of Wetlands and Planting of Trees

Reforestation should be encouraged in Nigeria. Reforestation a term for planting of trees; reduces the impact of flood. The trees absorb water, slowing down the overflow of rivers to neighboring communities.

Wetlands which soak up moisture and wooden areas: slow down flood when river overflows.

In one sentence, creating wetlands and reforestation is a good environmental practice.

7. Diverting Canals

Canal is a man-made water way. Canals deliver water from flooded communities to a city where water is needed. Canals can link several cities together. Here’s what I mean.

Canal can link Ibadan to Ogun state; crowning it’s efficiency.

Floods can be controlled by redirecting excess water to purpose-built canal. Canal is also used to confine or lock water.

8. Improve Drainage System

Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of water from surface and sub surface area. This traditional method of controlling flood, has now been improved are well structured to drain flood water.

There are two types of drainage system based on shape and mode. These are: Grid and Random. (I leave this to another day.)

Improved drainage system involves cleaning drainage system regularly in order to remove the debris. It’s a common environmental practice in the community. Improving the drainage system; makes it more effective and efficient.

Here’s something we can both agree on:

9. Environmental Sanitation

It seems like an obvious measure, but sanitation is imperative on this list.

Here’s why?

Refuse and sewages block the drainage system and canal pathway, preventing the flow of water; making them inefficient.

Canals, drainage should always be cleaned regularly; removing debris e.t.c

People should be warned against indiscriminate dumping of refuse and sewage in the community, canal.

The big secret is: this is the cheapest way of preventing flood in Nigeria.

10. Take Action

Having read this, I not taking action is the most expensive on this list. The desire of living in a heaven on earth community cannot be a reality not until you arise from that helpless state and take action.

Remember, preventing floods requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, and governments. By taking these steps, you can contribute to saving the environment from flood damage during the rainy season.