Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II ‘reinstated’ as Emir of Kano


Former Central Bank Governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II, has been reinstated as the Emir of Kano.

This reinstatement comes after the State House of Assembly passed a new law abolishing the four emirates that were created in addition to the Emir of Kano. These emirates were established under a contentious law in 2019 by the administration of former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje.

According to reports, there has been no official statement regarding Sanusi’s reinstatement. However, sources familiar with the situation informed the newspaper that Sanusi II is expected to be in Kano on Friday.

The sources stated, “With the passage of the Bill, Sanusi is automatically reinstated. There is no need for confirmation; it just awaits the governor’s assent.”

According to reports, the State Assembly passed a bill dissolving the additional emirates.

The bill is titled ‘The Kano State Emirates Councils (Repeal) Bill, 2024.’

This announcement was made by Tuwita, the Senior Special Assistant on Digital Media to the state governor, on X. He stated that the bill was passed after it successfully underwent a third reading before the lawmakers.

The new law will abolish the emirates created in 2019 and reinstate Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as the Emir of Kano Emirate.

The law was originally amended in 2019 during a conflict between then-Governor Ganduje and Sanusi, a former Central Bank Governor.

The first amendment divided the Kano Emirate into five, creating the Rano, Karaye, Gaya, and Bichi emirates, and appointing first-class emirs for these new regions, which eventually led to the deposition of the then-Emir of Kano.

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf’s victory in the last election reignited calls for Emir Sanusi’s reinstatement. Prior to the election, Yusuf had pledged to restore the old Kano Emirate system.