U.S. Attorney General: No evidence of widespread voter fraud yet


U.S. Attorney General William Barr on Tuesday said the Department of Justice had found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could upturn the Nov. 3 elections.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” The Associated Press (AP) quoted Barr as saying.

This is contrary to claims by President Donald Trump, who lost to former Vice President Joe Biden, that the election was rigged against him.

His camping organisation is challenging the election results in key battleground states where its lawsuits have largely been unsuccessful.

In early November, the attorney general directed U.S. attorneys across the country to investigate allegations of widespread election irregularities before the results were certified by states.

He said in the AP interview that federal investigators had followed up on complaints, but had not found evidence to back claims of widespread fraud.

This news will certainly draw flaks from Trump, who said on Sunday that the justice department had been “missing in action” on the voter fraud probe.

“You would think if you’re in the FBI or Department of Justice, this is the biggest thing you could be looking at.

“Where are they? I’ve not seen anything. They just keep moving along and they go on to the next president,” the president said on Fox News.