U.S. overtakes China, Italy as world’s worst-hit by coronavirus


The United States overtook China and Italy on Thursday as the world’s worst-hit country by the raging coronavirus pandemic.

The U.S. took the morbid distinction after new 14,336 confirmed cases were added.

The record figure shot the country to the top of the table with 82,547 cases.

China where the pandemic began late last year has 81,285 cases.

Italy, the worst hit country in Europe, has 80, 589 cases.

According to worldometers.info figures, while Italy recorded 6,203 cases on Thursday, China logged just 67.

The death toll in the U.S. has also spiralled to 1,182.

157 new deaths were recorded on Thursday.

However, there are some silver linings for the U.S.

One is that it has been able to keep its fatalities low.

Italy holds the world record of 8,215 deaths, followed by Spain, with 4,145.

China, where the pandemic started has a death toll of 3,287.

The second silver lining for America is that the recovery rate has increased. On Wednesday, it was just 394 recoveries. The figure jumped to 1,864 cases on Thursday.