UN stops Rafah food distribution due to shortages, hostilities


Food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah has ceased due to a shortage of supplies and security concerns, according to the UN.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Unrwa, reported that its distribution center and a World Food Programme warehouse were now inaccessible due to ongoing Israeli military operations against Hamas in eastern Rafah.

Since the Israeli operation began on May 6, an estimated 810,000 out of over a million refugees in Rafah have fled the area.

Unrwa also stated that its health centers had not received any medical supplies in the past 10 days.

This news coincided with the US expressing doubt that any of the 569 tonnes of food and aid that had entered Gaza through a newly-completed floating pier had been distributed to Palestinians by aid organizations.

On Saturday, Palestinians in need of food intercepted several WFP trucks transporting aid from the pier to a warehouse in the central town of Deir al-Balah, prompting the agency to halt deliveries.

The WFP explained that distribution had been paused while the UN devised new routes to avoid crowds.

Meanwhile, the head of the World Health Organization warned that the largest partially functional hospital in northern Gaza was reportedly struck four times on Tuesday amid ongoing clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in the nearby Jabalia area.

The Israeli military said it was reviewing reports from medics at Kamal Adwan hospital in Beit Lahia that its emergency department had been struck by Israeli missiles, forcing them to rush patients on hospital beds to a street outside.

The WHO also said al-Awda hospital in Jabalia had been besieged since Sunday, with dozens of staff, patients and people accompanying them trapped inside.