Mali’s military junta agrees to set up 18-month transition government


Mali’s Military junta has agreed to an 18-month transition government to pave way for a new election in the country.

The military government which toppled the elected government of President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta had earlier asked for three years before handing over power.

But the Economic Community of West African State, ECOWAS, disagreed, issuing an ultimatum to the military junta to announce a transition government.

Moussa Camara, military spokesman said on Saturday that it had agreed to an 18-month transition government to be headed by either a civilian or military personnel until election would take place.

ECOWAS leaders who met in Niamey, Niger last Monday had given the military junta in Mali until Sept. 15 to name a transitional president and a prime minister.

The 15-nation bloc said the president and prime minister, who would lead the transitional government, should be civilians.

The meeting maintained the sanctions it imposed on Mali in the aftermath of the coup.

The military had overthrown the elected government of Keita on August 18. Colonel Assimi Goita headed the Mali’s military junta.