We won’t take part in Delta LG poll rerun – APC


The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Delta on Monday said it won’t participate in Tuesday’ s Local Government election rerun in Ughelli North and Ethiope East Local Government Areas (LGAs) of the state.

Prophet Jones Erue, the state APC chairman who was flanked by party leaders announced this while briefing newsmen in Ughelli.

Elections in Ughelli North and Ethiope East LGAs were cancelled, after a violent protest.

Erue, also demanded for outright cancellation of the results of the Jan. 6, LG poll, alleging it was marred by fraud and other irregularities.

He said that APC in the state would always be ready to participate in an election that is free, fair and credible.

The chairman also said that APC would take legal action should the state Independent Electoral Commission ignore its demands for outright cancellation of the elections results.

‘We demanded and still demanding for total cancellation of the sham elections in all the 25 LGAs in the state’.

To purportedly direct for a re-run in only two LGAs- Ughelli North and Ethiope East, is a subterfuge for the validation and authentication of the sham elections in the other 23 LGAs.

‘We condemn the grotesque and brazen sabotage of the will of the people of Delta in the so-called election that was organised on Jan. 6, 2018 in Delta’.

We will, therefore, not participate in the elections in the two LGAs billed for Tuesday.

“For the avoidance of doubt, we are prepared, willing, and ready to participate in any free and fair election in all the 25 LGAs,” he said.