Police rescue Mikel Obi’s father from kidnappers


Pa Michael Obi, father of Super Eagles captain, Mikel Obi, who was kidnapped last week, has been rescued.

The Enugu State Police Command said its operatives in the 9th Mile Division rescued Pa Obi and his driver, simply identified as Ishaya John at about 2:30pm on Monday in Egede Udi forest, along old Egede Affa road in the state.

It was gathered that Pa Obi and his driver were abducted along  Makurdi- Enugu road last week on his way from Jos in his grey-colored Toyota Prado SUV with the registration number, MUS 604CG and whisked away to unknown destination.

However, the command said the kidnapped victims were rescued unhurt, hale and hearty.

The Command’s Spokesman, SP Ebere Amaraizu, in a statement issued on Monday and obtained by NewsClicng, said Pa Obi and the driver had since reunited with their respective families.

He said, “The abductors started calling to demand a ransom of 10 million naira before the operatives acting on intelligence information swooped on them where a gun duel ensued, which forced the hoodlums to abandon their victims inside the forest and they were promptly rescued.

“At the office of the commissioner of police, team of doctors from the police medical unit conducted medical check on Pa Obi and also confirmed that he is hale and hearty.

“The state police command is appealing to members of the public particularly hospital owners and operators to watch out for any one with injury or wound believed to be that of bullet for prompt necessary action just as a full scale investigations have commenced into the incident.”