Gospel singer Nicole Mullen is engaged


American gospel singer, songwriter, and choreographer, Aileen Nicole Coleman-Mullen, known professionally as Nicole Mullen is officially engaged to her sweetheart.

Mullen in 1993, married singer, songwriter and music producer David Mullen. They divorced in 2014.

In a Facebook post, she cited “Biblical reasons” for the divorce. The couple have three children, one daughter and two sons, one of whom was adopted.

Announcing the good news, she said ‘I said YES!! Yes to him…to the will of the Lord …to preparation of a new life adventure…to being chosen by the one I had prayed for…hoped existed and would come…

God is faithful…! He is also faithful to you…so hold on!

“Oh Magnify The Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!” Psalm 34:3

I said Yes!!

Much love, grace and peace y’all

#love #8 #newbeginnings #ILoveYou #engaged #isaidyes #Godisfaithful #neverpostedanegagementbefore #worthwaitingfor #GodisGood #TheRing #peace #inthemidstofthestorm’

Nicole has been married twice. During her first marriage, she endured physical and mental abuse.