APC suspends chairman over alleged rape of 14-year-old teenage housemaid


The All Progressives Congress (APC) in Jigawa State has suspended its chairman in Roni Local Government Area, Saleh Idris, after he was accused of raping and impregnating his 14-year-old housemaid.

This information was conveyed through an official statement signed by the state chairman, Aminu Sani Gumel, and shared with the media.

Following the accusation, Idris had been remanded by a Chief Magistrate’s Court in Dutse, the state capital.

The arrest of Idris came after a complaint from the victim’s brother, and he was apprehended by the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps on October 4.

The state’s NSCDC spokesperson, Adamu Shehu, further verified in an official statement that the minor, following a laboratory examination, was found to be carrying a “healthy pregnancy of about four months and two weeks.”

An excerpt from the APC statement read: “Following the allegation of rape and impregnation of minor and the outcome of preliminary investigation of the state chapter, the party has come up with the following resolutions:

“That your act contravened Section 21.2 (viii) and (x) of the APC 2022 Constitution as amended and that there is a need for further investigations.”

“That (the party agreed) on the need for further investigation on the matter. Consequently, you are hereby suspended from the chairmanship of the party of Roni Local Government Area spending final report of investigation.”

The party additionally instructed him to transfer the responsibilities of managing its operations to the vice-chairman of the local government area.