Nigeria’s corruption index rises – CISLAC/TI


Nigeria improved its Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score on Tuesday, moving up five places to 145th out of 180 countries examined.

According to Transparency International’s (TI) most recent corruption index, the country added one point to its previous 24, resulting in 25 out of 100 maximum points in the 2023 CPI results, as well as a five-place increase from 150th.

The CPI, arguably the most extensively used worldwide corruption ranking, assesses the perceived corruption of each country’s public sector.

It uses a scale of zero to 100, where zero means “highly corrupt” and 100 means very clean”.

The Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Center (CISLAC) which presented the index in Abuja said Nigeria’s score is below the sub-saharan African average of 33 points.

While the index does not show specific incidences of corruption in the country, it indicates the perception of corruption in Nigeria

CISLAC points out that this year’s CPI release is not an assessment of Nigeria’s anti-corruption agencies which it says are making commendable efforts in the fight against corruption in Nigeria.